
Product Image Specification

Welcome! You have joined the good fight in helping your retailers ride the innovation wave through these troubling times in the flooring industry.

In order to get your retailer empowered to sell more of your product, we’ll need a few things.

Before sending us images…

We’ve learned a lot from approaching manufacturers for their product images. There can be a lot of confusion but here is a list of absolute truths for more context before you start your quest.

  1. We are not looking for room scene images.
  2. The right contact(s) at your company that can help is probably a product manager/marketer. Or whomever is in charge of your thousands of product images or visualizer.
  3. Yes, we are looking for literally thousands of your images. We’ve already collected a database over 50K of images. (Shaw alone was +20k!)
  4. The end goal is for these to be put into our flooring visualizer for use when your retailers are at an in-home appointment. Please watch the video in the previous slide to understand what we are doing.
  5. If you have a data feed or API that can distribute these images to us, this is the easiest and most preferred method. Dropbox/Google Drive folders can definitely suffice too.
  6. What exists on your current website is likely not enough, this is why we are approaching you directly. 
  7. “High Res” images are really anything over 500px on it’s the shortest side. This can vary greatly because not all images are squares, but generally, that’s what we’re looking for.

How to make this easy on everyone

Getting the right images can be complicated, but we’ve been able to boil it down to this set of questions. Answer each question starting at question 1 going down to question 4.

  1. Are you in charge of the (likely thousands) product images in your database? Yes, we’re talking every SKU here!
    1. If yes, great you’re the right person to talk to. If not please put us in touch with the right person!
  2. Do you have a data feed/API that includes high-resolution images of your products?
    1. If yes, please put us in touch with whomever manages this feed so we can hook into it. 
    2. If not, do you have an existing flooring visualizer on your site? Those images are probably perfect for our use-case! 
  3. If not, do you have a dropbox folder + Excel sheet you can send us that contains: images, SKU #s, product names, collection names, descriptions, category, color, and any other product identifiers?

After identifying where your collection of images are we are now ready to make sure they’re in an acceptable format. If you have a database of seamless textures, this would be exactly what we want. The next few slides will explain the nuances between different types of flooring (wood, tile, carpet, laminate, etc…)

Images we would like to receive (by priority)

There are a number of different types of flooring images that we can work with. They are listed below and subsequent slides explain how to differentiate between them. 

  1. Individual planks/tiles
    1. Separate images of planks, that provide an example of the natural color variation of the product.
  2. Seamless Textures 
    1. Images that can be tiled without any clear pattern repeat. Examples would include any images you’ve used in room-scenes or images you use in any existing visualizer software.
  3. Large Panel Images
    1. Pre-tiled images, that show the natural color variation of the product

Example of a Seamless Image

  • A seamless image is an image that can be tiled from any side and there will be no seams or obvious breaks in the pattern.
  • The below source image is tiled 4x, this is a perfect example of a seamless image

Example of a Non-Seamless Image

  • A seamless image is an image that can be tiled from any side and there will be no seams or obviuous breaks in the pattern.
  • The below source image is tiled 4x, this is a clear example of a non-seamless image.

Examples of Individual Tile/Plank Images

If we don’t have any seamless images that we can work with, then the next best move is to use individual Tile/Plank Images. Below are some examples

Examples of Large Panel Images

If we don’t have any seamless images AND we don’t have individual plank/tile images, then the next best images we will use are large panel images.

Now onto the specific cases for

 Tile, Wood & Carpet.


Guidelines for acceptable Wood/Laminate images

  • The image needs to show at minimum, 5 full-length, planks of wood. (ensures variation)
  • The image does NOT need to be square, rectangles will do, no problem.
  • The shortest side should not be less than 500px. Please send us the highest resolution you have.
  • You likely have VERY high res images for any printed floor products, like laminate. This would be what we need.

Guidelines for acceptable Tile/Stone images

  • For each SKU we need at least 3 different square tiles. (ensures variation). They can be 3 separate images, or they can be arranged and we can crop them out. But seperate images are preferred!
  • The image can contain grout, or not contain grout (we can add it ourselves).
  • Slabs of stone don’t have to be in square format. But we need multiple slabs (at least 3)
  • The shortest side should not be less than 500px. Please send us the highest resolution you have.
  • You likely have VERY high res images for any printed floor products, like printed tile.. This would be what we need.

Guidelines for acceptable Carpet images

  • Carpet images do not have to be in square format, they can be in rectangle. Square is preferred.
  • Should not look pixelated or too close up.
  • If any patterns are present, it must include at least one full repeat of the pattern, not a partial pattern.
  • The shortest side should not be less than 500px. Please send us the highest resolution you have.


Email our implementation team. 

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